
Now Congressional Democrats Think They Can Get Bill Barr

The attorney general is scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on March 31. Let’s hope he can put an end to this partisan witch hunt before the Democrats lead the country into another time consuming, expensive, and baseless investigation.

What About the FISA Court?

Judicial pre-authorization for our national security bureaucracies’ actions has taught them dysfunctional practices and created a secret body of law that has undermined Americans’ civil liberties.

Impeachment Is Trump’s Punishment for Questioning the Intelligence Community

It’s difficult not to question every assumption that went into the Russia collusion hoax. If the Russians did attempt to interfere in the 2016 election, then the intelligence community totally undermined public confidence in their assessment by tying that interference to false allegations accusing Trump of conspiring with that effort.

There Is No Good Case for Impeachment

Unless the deep state wants to further its own demise, however, and unless the Democrat candidates for president want to spend a good deal of the campaign season off the hustings and in a Senate proceeding they will lose, we are probably witnessing the beginning of the end of the Trump impeachment.

The Swamp’s Swingline Stapler

We are to believe that crying EPA employees, out-of-the-loop ambassadors, holier-than-thou law enforcement chiefs, and jobless assistant deputy undersecretaries for blah-blah affairs are the victims of a rogue president who must be removed from office for hurting their feelings and challenging their authority.

Whose Witness Is Bolton?

Precisely because the Democrats and their kept media realize that the former national security advisor is unlikely to be a witness to their liking, he is unlikely to be a witness at all.

Why the Whistleblower and Schiff Must Testify

We’re being told both by Schiff and the accuser that we’re not seeing the whole picture and that there’s more to the story than just the transcript. Both of them are making these claims. Now they have become indispensable fact witnesses in the case.